
Tunjukkan catatan dari 2012

Devotees-Tika Dinihari =)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم InsyaAllah, I would like to share one of the song that like =) CLICK HERE TIKA DINIHARI LYRIC Oh Tuhanku Tiada indah di malam yg ini Melainkan dengan bermunajat kepadamu Tiada indah suatu hari yg Aku lalui kecuali dengan patuh kepadamu Oh Tuhanku Tiada indah hidup di dunia melainkan berzikir dan menyebut namamu Tiada indah tiba di akhirat yang abadi kecuali dengan kempunan mu Ya Allah Tuhanku Yg merubahkanku Tetapkanlah Hatiku Moga sentiasa Dalam Agamamu Jua taat akan perintahmu Tuhan  Usah bebankan kami  Dengan bebanan yang berat Seperti Yang pernah kau berikan kepada umat yang terdahulu Dari kami Tuhan  Jangan Pikulkan Kami Yang tidak kami terdaya Maafkan salah kesilapan Ampunkanlah Dosa-Dosa Rahmatilah Kami

Repent...One Solution

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم InsyaAllah I would like to share about REPENT or TAUBAT~ Who will REPENT and ask for FORGIVENESS? The sinned servant....ONLY? Why should ask for FORGIVENESS? To be forgiven...ONLY? To whom should ask for FORGIVENESS? To Allah...ONLY? How many times should us REPENT ourselves? Depends... IMAN kita ada naik dan ada juga turunnya Namun, as a MUKMIN... we could not accept the sin that had been done easily~ "Dosa ibarat gunung yang menghempap!" But, for certain people... They look SIN as a small matter, for them... "Dosa ibarat lalat yang hinggap di hidung, dikuis hilang..." So, as a MUKMIN sin must be followed with FORGIVENESS But, sometimes people always questioning~ "Why should we ask for FORGIVENESS, if we might do the SIN again?" ---Then, why? ALLAH got the answer =) Actually, in SURAH AL-BAQARAH; 222 Allah stated that He loves His servant who ask for FORG

IMAN... The Best Indicator

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Dear bloggers, It had been a long time since I posted my last entry. I am deeply sorry because I had neglected my blog. Actually, around 9 months are used to focus on my SPM. But then it was really hard to start blogging, even facebooking is much more easier, of course =) My break had started on last 4th December.  It wasn't called school break, because I had finished my senior year in the secondary school. Now, I am waiting for my SPM results. ~Tawakkaltu 'Alallah~ Oh, I had finished reading a novel written by Hilal Asyraf (famous writer) entintled SINERGI He got his own writing skill, and I had addicted to his books SINERGI is one of the best novel I had read...because most of the questions mumbled in my thoughts had been answered by this novel. ~TRULLY~ You wouldn't regret...have one, read and feel IMAN~  is one and the most meaningful word repeatedly written in this novel. Just after I read, I can under

La Sahla, Illa Ma Ja'altahu Sahla!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم " Allah did not promise that life will be easy, but He did promise to always be with us in our side!" Before I have to hold these responsibilities, I once said to Allah  that I did not want to face the bigger responsibilities than what I am facing on that particular time. ~He knows better than me...He knows what I may afford and what I'm not~ I trust what Allah said in Al-Quran; "  Allah will not burden His servant, on what he couldn't afford..." (Surah Al-Baqarah:286) I knew that Allah will always help me, whenever I need Him.  But, I must keep taqarrub to Him.  When I feel alone, I spent my time to communicate and tell Him what I felt... even, I knew He is the first to know it before myself Sometimes, I tried to walk with myself...with Him, but without my friends.  I've set my mind that I want His Blessings!  I've to remember to keep "  Hablu minallah wa hablu minannas "

Kisah Penyayang Rasulullah SAW

            بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم            Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Alhamdulillah, berkat rahmatNya dapat juga menjengah diri ke ruangan blog yang kian berhabuk ni nampaknya =)  Sebagai blogger, sikap lalai meng'update' blog ini perlulah dihindarkan 120%....Coz, bila kita dah register menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk menggunakan laman ini dengan sebaik-baiknya...InsyaAllah!            Straight forward to my point....Sharing a very interesting story that I heard from a program TV Al-Hijrah yesterday..."Lau Kana Bainana..." About kisah Rasulullah SAW dengan seorang ketua Munafiqin iaitu Ibn Salul...            Nama sebanarnya Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Abu ibn Malik bin al-Harits al-Anshory al-Khazrojy. Biasanya dipanggil Abu al-Habab. Nama aslinya sebelum masuk Islam adalah al-Habab. Kemudian Rasulullah menganti al-Habab dengan Abdullah setelah menyatakan diri masuk Islam.            Dikisahkan Ibn Salul(anak kepada Salul) ini sangatlah keras tingkah