IMAN... The Best Indicator

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Dear bloggers,
It had been a long time since I posted my last entry. I am deeply sorry because I had neglected my blog. Actually, around 9 months are used to focus on my SPM. But then it was really hard to start blogging, even facebooking is much more easier, of course =)

My break had started on last 4th December. 
It wasn't called school break, because I had finished my senior year in the secondary school. Now, I am waiting for my SPM results. ~Tawakkaltu 'Alallah~

Oh, I had finished reading a novel written by Hilal Asyraf (famous writer)
entintled SINERGI
He got his own writing skill, and I had addicted to his books
SINERGI is one of the best novel I had read...because most of the questions mumbled in my thoughts had been answered by this novel.

You wouldn't regret...have one, read and feel

is one and the most meaningful word repeatedly written in this novel.
Just after I read, I can understand by the way IMAN is translated in our life.
And here comes the differences between MUKMIN and MUSLIM.
To indicate and spot the differences, IMAN is the best indicator!

Not all MUSLIM is MUKMIN, but all MUKMIN is MUSLIM
But, in Al-Quranul Karim ALLAH always said " Ya ayyuhal Mukminun~"
Most of His firman, He said to all MUKMINUN...
Many of His servants who read Al-Quran, but only a little of them are able to practice it, and applicate in life...
The answer is; because of IMAN~

Only MUKMIN is able to practice and feel His messages in Al-Quran,
and IMAN is the key from our heart and interpret to our AMAL
IMAN cannot be simply said without any prove from AMAL

  Surah Al-Ankabut; 2-3
“ Apakah manusia itu Kami akan membiarkan mereka berkata; ‘Kami telah beriman’, sedangkan mereka belum diuji? Dan demi sesungguhnya, Kami telah menguji orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada mereka, maka (dengan ujian yang demikian), nyata apa yang diketahui Allah tentang orang-orang yang sebenar-benarnya beriman, dan nyata pula apa yang diketahui-Nya tentang orang-orang yang berdusta.”

~So, everything that we do in our life is reflected from our IMAN
To know how is our IMAN is by observed AMAL 
By this we also can conclude why, even though we know about it but we do not practice it in our life.
The answer is our IMAN~

From Surah Al-Anfal;2 ~
The condition of MUKMIN and his IMAN...

  Surah Al-Anfal;2
“Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman itu (yang sempurna imannya) ialah mereka yang apabila disebut nama Allah (dan sifat-sifat-Nya) gementarlah hati mereka; dan apabila dibacakan kepada mereka ayat-ayat-Nya, menjadikan mereka bertambah iman, dan kepada Tuhan mereka jualah mereka berserah.”

Let us pray to ALLAH to increase our IMAN level and preserve us in His deen~
