
Tunjukkan catatan dari Julai, 2011

Su'ul Khatimah~Husnul Khotimah!~You choose...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم InsyaAllah~ before go back to hostel... I have something to share..:D Last Saturday, watching Imam Muda 2...theme~ KEMATIAN Again, they need to face very adventurous task....with prisoners who will end up their whole life inside the prison...there are only 8 of them left. ---This second season of Imam Muda, is really exciting! All those Imam Muda always exposed theirself to ummah ( i didn't mean selfish ),  but this is the real activities that all imam should done.  A very good approach to public! By advising them, knowing ummah's problems... CONGRATULATIONS!!! BARAKALLAH LAKUM :D When Imam Muda on segment 'pemberian hujah' I've got banyak ilmu yang new and deeper understanding mostly about the question that had been asked. One of the most attracting me...about Husnul Khotimah and Su'ul Khotimah... Husnul Khotimah and Su'ul Khotimah     As all of us now, 'setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan menemui kematian'... Allah emphasized